by Luke Girling | May 10, 2021 | Career & Employment
The ACA Law exam is a unique exam within the ACA syllabus because unlike other certificate level papers, it doesn’t lead on to further modules. In the most recent exam season, the pass rate for the Law exam was 91.1% which suggests that this is one of the easier...
by Luke Girling | May 10, 2021 | Career & Employment
The ACA Principles of Taxation exam will be most ACA candidates first foray into the world of tax which will involve a whole new set of challenges. In the most recent exam season, the pass rate for the Principles of Taxation exam was 88.2% which suggests this is one...
by Luke Girling | May 10, 2021 | Career & Employment
The ACA Business, Technology and Finance exam is one of the nicer exams within the syllabus and if candidates put in sufficient effort to practising questions, they should feel confident walking into the exam. In the most recent exam season, the pass rate for the...
by Luke Girling | May 10, 2021 | Career & Employment
The ACA Management Information exam had a pass rate of 84.0% in the most recent sitting. Despite the high pass rate, this exam can be challenging, particularly for candidates who don’t have a numerical background. To pass the ICAEW ACA Management Information...
by Luke Girling | May 10, 2021 | Career & Employment
The ACA Assurance exam tends to be one of the first exam’s candidates will sit alongside the more technical Accounting exam. In the most recent exam season, the pass rate for the Assurance exam was 91.3% which suggests that this is one of the easier exams within...